Dr. Clifford Dennison, Ed.D. has spent most of his life in research into the physical and biological sciences. A native of West Virginia, Dr. Dennison is a graduate of Marshall University and the University of Florida, and has done post-graduate work at Cornell University and the University of Michigan. His life-long interest in the quality of our water dates from his boyhood practice of quenching his thirst at mountain springs. Dr. Dennison has pioneered the technology of water purification and holds two patents on water distilling equipment. He is a member of Who’s Who in Science and Technology, Personalities of the South, Outstanding Educators of America, and is a Fellow of the American Association of Science. Dr. Dennison resides in Cleveland, Tennessee, where he is an Associate Professor at Lee College. When I was a boy roaming the hills of West Virginia, it was such a simple matter to quench my thirst by finding a spring of refreshing mountain water. When I go back now, finding a pure mountain spring is not as easy. I can go back to the hills, but I cannot go back in time. You see, pollution has invaded the hills of West Virginia the same as it has every other place on earth. Air and water currents have spread toxic industrial, agricultural and chemical wastes, generated by our modern technological society, to every point on the globe. Even the Arctic and Antarctic ice caps are beginning to accumulate toxic wastes, so it is understandable that America’s springs, lakes, rivers, wells and other sources of drinking water have not escaped this ever-growing invasion of pollutants. Scientists have proven over the years that water is one of the most efficient solvents known to man. In fact, water dissolves, absorbs and carries with it something of everything it touches. It is this property of being a universal solvent that has allowed our drinking water to become loaded with virtually every contaminant dumped into the environment. Today, raw water, even after treatment by our cities, is a toxic chemical brew. So, where can I go to find that refreshing drink of good, pure water, that my body so desperately needs today? Ironically, for an answer we must turn to a product of modern technology - the water distiller, endorsed by the US Department of Agriculture as, “The only proven way of correcting drinking water pollution in the home.” The distiller provides me with pure water now, just as the mountain stream served me in the past. It provides me with the most important substance of life and health - good pure water. Now, you might ask, why is pure water so essential to life and good health? The answer is, we are over 70% water. Water, in pure form, is the common ingredient in our bodies, and is part of every cell. It is involved in most, if not all, the chemical activities of life and is so important we could live only about ten days without it. And for good health, we need to drink at least eight glasses of pure water every day. As one of the greatest solvents known, water helps prepare substances for transport across cell membranes and for distribution through our bodies by way of blood and lymph. This function of water in our bodies is impaired when the water is filled with contaminants that interfere with its ability to dissolve bodily substances efficiently. Metabolic activities depend on enzymes, coenzymes, trace minerals and other substances which are present in minute quantities. Contaminants and toxic chemicals, introduced into our body through our drinking water, can interfere with normal metabolic activities and enzymatic pathways. We can understand this interference better when we consider that these vital elements may be present in quantities of a few thousand ions or molecules, whereas, just one swallow of water containing one part per million of a toxic chemical will contain six hundred quadrillion (600,000,000,000,000,000) toxic molecules. Within the body, water acting as a solvent, reaches into every cell to absorb and carry away the poisons that are formed as part of the life process. Lots of pure water is needed for this task. We all know that it is easier to wash dishes in a sink full of clean water than in a cup full of dirty water. The blood circulates 400 gallons of water through the kidneys each day. Common sense tells us that when the water we consume is pure, it can do a much better job than when it is contaminated with toxic substances. This is accomplished when water in my body evaporates from the skin. If the water in my body is full of contaminants they will be left as residues that will encrust the skin, leaving it rough, dry and a breeding ground for bacteria. Drinking lots of pure water, on the other hand, will help leave the skin soft and pliable. What a delight it is to drink a glass full of frozen juice made with distilled water! Without the chemicals and minerals in the water, there is nothing to hide the natural fresh taste of the fruit. Many people have told me they cannot drink their favorite beverage made with tap water once they begin using distilled water. And, distilled water also makes food cooked in water tastier and the colors remain bright like nature intended, since there are no chemicals and other toxic substances to turn them brownish-yellow. Chlorine, which has been added to our tap water, may be one of the most dangerous chemicals consumed by man. Research studies indicate that chlorine combines with organic substances found in tap water to produce chlorinated hydrocarbons that may be involved in insidious diseases such as hardening of the arteries, heart attacks, strokes and cancer. I have a chlorine test kit which I use to test for chlorine in my swimming pool. I also use it to test for the chlorine in my tap water. Invariably, I find that the chlorine level in my tap water is higher than allowed in my swimming pool. Tap water may be drinkable but don’t swim in it! Some people have the mistaken belief that essential minerals are derived from the water they drink. Yes, we do need minerals. But, the source of minerals for the body is the food that we eat - not the water we drink. Plants have the unique ability to convert inorganic minerals absorbed from the soil and water into organic forms our bodies can use. Our bodies can use few, if any, of the minerals absorbed in water. These minerals merely contaminate our water and hinder the water from performing its natural functions. According to experts in the field, there are several different kinds of water, and most of them harmful in some way. These waters carry minerals, metals, and inorganic compounds into our body that we can’t use. These water carry 80% of all sickness and disease. They may contain over 700 identifiable chemicals, all of which permeate our systems and may begin accumulating there. When water brought into our bodies is already polluted, its natural cleansing functions are impaired. As a result, we may develop health problems as these pollutants build up in our blood vessels, joints and internal organs. Some health specialists believe we experience hardening of the arteries, arthritis, kidney stones, gall stones, vision problems (glaucoma and cata-racts), loss of hearing, diabetes, obesity, emphysema and other ailments in greater intensities and more frequently when we live with and consume polluted or contaminated water. Of the several types of water, such as: rain, snow-melt, raw, hard, filtered, soft, de-ionized, boiled and distilled - only distilled is PURE and virtually free of all contaminants. As a result, distilled water has no taste, no color, no odor, no bacteria, no heavy metals, no acids, no organic minerals, no toxic chemicals, no poisons. DISTILLED WATER enters your system clean. It is free to absorb and wash away the poisons your system generates and the poisons that have accumulated. There is absolutely no medical proof that drinking DISTILLED WATER will cure arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, or any other dozens of infirmities that humans suffer. There’s no absolute proof that drinking DISTILLED WATER will remove kidney stones and gall stones, reduce cataracts or cure emphysema. But there are hundreds of case histories of people who have enjoyed success in alleviating or overcoming these health problems when they began drinking DISTILLED WATER exclusively. The preceding are just a few reasons why I drink distilled water. I am not an evolutionist but I do believe that man was created an adaptable organism and that it takes a long time for an organism to adapt to a changing environment. Man has been living on the earth for thousands of years. During most of this time he has been adapted to a natural environment getting his water from unpolluted springs, streams, and shallow wells. This water has been relatively pure containing only moderate amounts of naturally occurring substances. But conditions have changed. Since the industrial revolution, and especially since World War 2, we have dumped synthetic chemicals by the thousands into the environment. We are not adapted to these man-made chemicals. We know that many of them are toxic. We do not know the effects these will have on the bodies of our children and the generations to come. Does it not make sense, therefore, to consume only pure water products from a good quality distiller right in your own home. |